1 Pot 15 Minute Chicken Taco Soup – Tortilla Soup Recipe (or Beef or Turkey)

Taco Soup Recipe

1 Pot 15 Minute Chicken Taco Soup – Tortilla Soup Recipe (or Beef or Turkey)

Yes you read right a 1 pot fun hearty soup dinner that’s ready in 15 minutes!

Thanks again to my friend Julie for this one which she modified from her twin sister’s recipe. We had this at Julie & Ray’s house (Stephan, Ray was my friend first! LOL) one weekend where the hubbers & I jumped into the car for the 5 hour drive for one night, for exceptional hospitality as always!

We’ve tried this with ground beef in a pinch and it’s every bit as good. And tweaked it slightly by adding avocado and other little bits here and there.

We like that you can make your own taco seasoning as there’s food sensitivities around here, one can’t always trust the packages, not to mention they’re a little pricey for a couple tablespoons of product with spices we already have in our own cupboards, however using either the package or making one’s own is a great option, no judgement here!

Even non-soup fans enjoy this (I am one of those). So far it’s been a crowd pleaser at family functions, every generation likes it.

Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe

1 can black beans (drained, we like eden organic’s brand)

1 can chick peas (drained, we like eden organic’s brand)

1 can diced tomatoes

1 cup frozen corn (Costco’s organic frozen corn is very good, or 1 can corn drained)

1 can chicken broth or tetra pack and boiled chicken water (omit the water if using beef option)

1 teaspoon salt ONLY IF beans and broth unsalted

1 pkg. boneless chicken tenders (1 inch or 2.5cm cubed, can use ground turkey, or 1lb extra lean ground beef)

1 taco seasoning packet – see recipe below


In deep sauce pan, combine chicken and taco seasoning add 3/4 cup of water and heat until chicken is fully cooked.

Add remaining ingredients. Stir.

Bring to boil, and boil for 2 min until contents are steamy hot.

Spoon into bowls.

Sprinkle sour cream, shredded cheese, cubed avocado and crispy tortilla chips for toppings (or use chips for scooping up soup)


Taco seasoning recipe:

( adapted from Rachel Ray)

1 tbsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (or few dashed of hot sauce in a pinch)
1/4 tsp salt (we like pink salt from Andes mountains)
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried minced onion (Julie used roasted garlic with sea salt blend)

Mix ingredients together in small bowl add to 1 lb ground chicken along with 3/4 cup water (if using beef, omit the water)

We like PC organic’s chicken broth, if not using one’s own homemade stock.

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