7 Minute Dinner – Citrus Chicken & Rice Recipe

Fast Citrus Rice Recipe

7 Minute Dinner – Citrus Chicken & Rice Recipe

This is my spouse’s new favourite, he likes the original version too.

No more take-out with this easy dinner recipe, it’s done before you can pick up the phone & order…

7 Minute Dinner Recipe – Citrus Chicken & Rice:

Fast Citrus Rice RecipeIn a sauce pot, boil 2 cups water

once boiling…immediately add in the following order:

2 cups instant brown white or brown rice (Minute Maid now makes)

1 can white chicken meat (or 1 cup pre-cooked roasted chicken strips – Lilydale Brand is excellent)

2 Tablespoons marmalade (or yellow zucchini marmalade)

1 Tablespoon butter (or Becel buttery flavour)
pinch salt

Put lid on and turn to low for 5 min.

Dinner – done. Turn onto plate or dish.

Great for students too.

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