Mackintosh Toffee Bars – They’re Back!

Mackintosh Toffee Bar

Mackintosh Toffee Bars – They’re Back!

Update ** It Worked! Mackintosh Toffee Bars are Back!

For Prime Baking Seasons only – but we’ll take it.
They’ve been spotted at Schomberg, Ontario Foodland by Hwy 9 & 27
Thanks! Great Job Everyone.

Mackintosh Toffee BarMackintosh Toffee Bars have been discontinued, but lets start a campaign to bring them back!

I’ve used the contact section of Nestle’s website (the North American supplier) to ask them to at minimum bring them back seasonally (ie Christmas) for Christmas baking… currently waiting for Nestle’s response. Who wants to unwrap  what seems like 1000 candies? 1 bag of little Mackintosh Toffee candies = 1 bar according to some of their new recipes… they don’t SAY that, but where 1 bar would be, they put in 1 bag.

You can do the same! We can do it people! Contact Nestle

Nestle’s Contact Us Page – Click Here

Since they haven’t responded yet, and their new toffee is … ikky… once I come up with a traditional recipe, I’ll post it here 🙂

(also known as macintosh)
