REVIEW | Gluten Free Pasta | PC Fusilli

Gluten Free Pasta GF PC Corn Fusilli Noodles

REVIEW | Gluten Free Pasta | PC Fusilli

Gluten Free Pasta GF PC Corn Fusilli NoodlesPC Gluten Free Fusilli Pasta was pretty good. Cool spirally noodles. Don’t overcook and don’t stir. Use package directions! Cook the noodles, drain in colander, pour back in pan, add already cooked, already hot sauce with all meat/veg in it (if spaghetti or the like) on top. FOLD sauce into noodles with large spatula (like one folds whipped cream into batter – google it if necessary)

If you stir, you will have a mushy mess… as is with all corn noodles.

Great hot or cold, as with pasta salad – use folding motion just before noodles get cold otherwise they will stick together in a big ball.

I’d have to say I’m still a big fan of San Zenone, however if they are unavailable in your area, PC GF Fusilli Pasta is a good substitute.




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