Sweet Matcha Tea Powder by Lemon Lily Review

organic matcha green tea powder lemon lilly

Sweet Matcha Tea Powder by Lemon Lily Review

organic matcha green tea powder lemon lillyLately, in order to reduce the acidity of coffee and curb my dependency on black tea, thus for a change of pace I am quite enjoying sweet organic matcha green tea powder… emphasis on powder – as regular green bagged or loose tea is well… not my cup of tea… sweetened with NOWs brand of 100% stevia … with it’s teenie tiny eenie weenie scoop (well 3 of those nano scoops for my liking) and a splash of milk.

I’ve tried a few matcha’s and I prefer this one as it’s close to Starbucks style (minus the whopping 6 teaspoons of sugar in the latte version! oh yes, ask the barista) – Lemon Lily – lemonlily.ca – seems to fit the matcha bill just perfectly for me. teainallitssplendour.com also has great teas, although I haven’t tried their matcha but everything else has been exceptional, in terms of sourcing matcha.

Oddly I hadn’t even missed coffee in the morning, green tea is a perfect fit – no potentially eco-destroying pods – ultra fast to prepare – using keurig as a hot water dispenser (although I have a Sunbeam hot water dispenser as well) I’m liking the no muss no fuss. I’m also a big fan of the lime green reusable tin!

Now I prefer the odd coffee later in the day, often none at all now. I used to be a coffee fiend, and  although I’m not a herbal drinker… I’m enjoying new wonderful options. Life is now more selective, in more ways than one. Many of our outward choices reflect our inner change. I’m thinking this is one of those times.

