Zucchini Greek Salad Recipe | Summer Squash

Greek Zucchini Salad

Zucchini Greek Salad Recipe | Summer Squash

Part of – What to do with 70 zucchinis saga

Feel free to double triple quadruple for any event – great side for a BBQ, Family Reunion or Potluck for lots of people!

Greek Zucchini SaladAlso a great alternate to pasta salad for the gluten free or low carbers, etc.

Zucchini Greek Salad Recipe

3 cups cubed yellow and green zucchini med-large dice (seeded if large)
1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes (or heritage)
1/2 cup small cubed mozzerella
1/2 cup goat feta
1/2 cup mild fresh onion sliced (Spanish, Red, Vidallia)
1/4 cup black olives (optional)

2 TBSP great quality olive oil
1 TBSP Lemon Juice
1 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar (or use more lemon juice)
pinch of fresh oregano (or 1-2 drops ingestible grade essential oil)
pinch pink salt and pepper to taste

Let squash & onion marinate in oil, vinegar and oregano for at least 2 hours – add additional ingredients

Young zucchini and young yellow squash aka crooked neck (less than 4″) are tender and buttery and take on any flavour you add, usually seeding is not necessary with this size.

My wonderful Greek friends would suggest this is not authentic Greek and would be correct, it’s a Greek influenced recipe to their most scrumptious cuisine.


*saga – I arrived home from the Mediterranean to find 70 zucchini that needed to be utilized – at that wasn’t the ones that will be ready in the garden in the coming week!

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